Rescue Task Force is an agile and innovative non-profit organization whose mission is to alleviate suffering and provide developmental aid to those who have been marginalized by geography or economic deprivation.We often go where others do not, to help those who are outside the scope of conventional relief providers.We also respond rapidly with medical and other immediate aid to victims of man-made and natural disasters world-wide.Rescue Task Force projects are made possible by the contributions of our supporters to whom we are fully accountable.
Rescue Task Force
27636 Ynez Road L-7 #357,
Temecula, California, 92591
THROUGH RESCUE TASK FORCE YOU GET RESULTS…Clean water for rural villages in Cambodia and deep jungle villages in Central America. Our resident doctor reports 90% decrease of diarrhea in our test village.Three full service medical clinics in jungles of Honduras Miskito Coast – giving thousands of villages their first ever full time medical care.Local volunteer dental teams in El Salvador and Cambodia bring pain relief to many with our monthly field (outdoor) day-clinics.Wheelchairs to Cambodia and El Salvador: Over 9,000 severely disabled children and adults no longer crawling on the ground.Twenty one Literacy Learning centers for women and girls in Afghanistan. We provide employment for 23 teachers and staff who, along with our 780 students, daily risk their lives learning to read and write.Global 9-1-1 medical and disaster relief teams - The difficult we do immediately, sometimes the impossible takes a few days.RTF: Around the World, Around the Clock
Gary Becks, Chairman
Gary Becks founded Rescue Task Force (RTF) in 1988 and serves as the organization’s volunteer President / CEO and Team Leader.
Becks served in Viet Nam with the Third Marines as a Med-Evac Corpsman. His decorations include seven Air Medals for performance in over 140 combat missions. He is a former San Bernardino County Fire Agency Battalion Commander and served for many years as Special Assistant to U.S. Congressman Duncan Hunter and he has worked in Washington D.C. as a Senior Research Analyst for the United States House of Representatives.
RTF is a nonprofit organization that has provided food, medical supplies and support to victims of natural and man-made disasters for over 30 years. Gary has personally led over four hundred missions to conflictive and natural disaster zones around the globe. In addition to his extensive work in Honduras and Nicaragua he has served in El Salvador at the request of that country’s President. His service has as well taken him to South Africa and into Iraq, Burundi, Albania, Kosovo, Peru, deep into the interior of Afghanistan where he had also worked during the Soviet occupation and through-out S.E Asia. Gary worked extensively in Sri Lanka and Thailand in response to the Tsunami and was very active with Hurricane Katrina and Haiti disaster relief.
Becks is listed in the prestigious Heritage Foundation Guide To Public Policy Experts. His book, "But I Can Still Carry Half A Load" narrates his humanitarian assistance to victims of global conflicts during the cold war.
Using ‘trains’ of burros, vintage aircraft and helicopters and dugout canoes Becks continues to lead disaster response teams and volunteer medical and dental teams into isolated villages around the globe. On the Miskito Coast of Honduras many jungle villages have never had contact from outsiders until RTF penetrated the area bringing much-needed medical and dental care.
Projects include the construction and equipping of full service medical clinics deep in the jungles of La Moskitia, Honduras, providing regional Indian villages their first ever full time medical care and safe water.
RTF also operates twenty-three Literacy Learning Centers for women inside of Afghanistan. Domestic U.S. projects have included Southern California fire relief, support to returning war wounded and responses to hurricanes along the U.S. Gulf Coast. Current primary missions include the distribution low-tech water filters that provide of safe / clean water and volunteer medical and dental teams to Cambodia's rural poor.
Semi-retired now, Gary lives in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. He has three daughters, one son and one stepson. He is a proud grandpa to fourteen grandchildren and one great granddaughter.
Lawrence "Larry" E. Cutting, Director
Larry has lived and worked the majority of his life internationally. This international experience began in 1968 with an assignment in Germany through to his current activities as Managing Partner for Orleans Group, LLC
(www.orleansgp.com) an international business consulting firm. Throughout his career, he has been extremely active in humanitarian work around the world from an orphanage in the Philippines during the 1970's to his current on-the-street work with the homeless and the less fortunate in his local community. In 2010 he was the honored with one of the highest awards that can be given a foreigner by the Cambodian government for his work in bringing help to the less fortunate of that country.